Our Pilates Philosophy

PILATES with Mary Griffiths-Hurrell

My goal is to teach with a calmness and kindness that allows my clients to work out at their own level in a fun, effective, and challenging way.

I differentiate for varying levels in the class. There are always options for you to choose what is both challenging and safe for you.

With regular classes, you will improve your strength and flexibility, your stability will improve and you will reduce aches and pains.

My clients comment on my calm and soothing voice. It reminds them to apply Pilates to their everyday life. That is what makes all the difference.

You apply Pilates in everyday life, like how you sit, how you walk. You’ve heard a lot of people complain about back problems; it’s because these people walk incorrectly with the last vertebrae of their tailbone. They stick it out instead of pulling it in and down” Romana Kryzanowska


  • Treat your body with respect and kindness. Always work to your own level where you are in control. You do not need to force you body to do something that strains or hurts it.

  • If an exercise hurts, or you are straining to perform it, stop. Either rest, or try a modified version.

  • Pilates is about quality not quantity. Doing one or two repetitions of an exercise well, with the powerhouse engaged is far better than doing 10 sloppy or strained repetitions.

  • Send positive thoughts to you body. Be thankful for all it does for you and guide it to enjoy movement and exercise.

  • Movement should be approached like life, with enthusiasm, joy and gratitude - for movement is life and life is movement, and we get out of it what we put into it.” Ron Fletcher

  • Everyone is the architect of their own happiness” Joseph Pilates